Washington, DC DC Water

NEPA Compliance, Environmental Permitting, and Stream Design for the Soapstone Valley and Glover-Archbold Sewer Rehabilitation

Straughan supported DC Water with the NEPA process for the Soapstone Valley and Glover Archbold Sewer Rehabilitation as well as the environmental permitting and stream design for the Soapstone Valley Rehabilitation.


Our Approach

Straughan supported DC Water with the execution of the NEPA process and asset protection for two comprehensive sewer rehabilitation projects predominately located on NPS property within Soapstone Valley Park and Glover Archbold Park along stream valleys and within surrounding neighborhoods. Straughan’s multidisciplinary environmental services include environmental field investigations, environmental impact analysis, Section 106 process, public outreach, stream restoration, agency coordination, and environmental permitting to support the sewer rehabilitation within a stream valley park within the Rock Creek Park system. Straughan facilitated the NEPA process in coordination with DC Water and NPS and prepared two Environmental Assessments that EA summarized the project’s purpose and need; a wide range of project alternatives studied including a discussion of their feasibility and reasonableness; the existing natural, social, and cultural environments; and the direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental impacts of two build alternatives and one no-build alternative. Straughan assisted DC Water in navigating NPS NEPA regulations and protocols throughout the project scoping, agency coordination, and public outreach efforts, compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Straughan managed the project’s public comments and drafted responses, and help to coordinate, inform, and staff public meetings.

Straughan conducted a wetland delineation and subsequent pre-application field walks in accordance with USACE and DOEE regulations and standard practices. Straughan’s certified arborists conducted a tree survey that identified the species, size, and tree health for all trees 4-inch diameter at breast height. Straughan prepared a Wetland Delineation Report, a NPS Statement of Findings, and a Wetland, Floodplain, Tree Memorandum to document the filed investigations and impacts. Straughan conducted cultural resources identification, evaluation, and impact analysis and supported Section 106 coordination in collaboration with NPS and the District of Columbia Historic Preservation Office (DCHPO). Straughan completed both geoarcheology investigations and Phase I archeological investigations, as well as conducted additional historical research on multiple structures within the area of potential effects. Straughan prepared a Phase I Archeology Reports in accordance with DCHPO and NPS regulations and standard practices.

Straughan also performed an assessment and stream design of fifteen exposed sanitary manholes and sewer lines along a 4,412-foot length of Soapstone Creek within Soapstone Valley Park for DC Water. Straughan provided asset protection solutions that minimized impacts to existing natural habitat, improved in-stream ecological uplift, and enhanced a hiking trail through the Soapstone Valley with critical stream crossings. The project submission includes a detailed report of all assessments and analyses, design, ESC, maintenance of streamflow, landscaping plans, special provisions, construction cost estimate, and permitting.

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