Our Approach
Straughan provided sustainability and technical consulting and project management services to navigate the development of the methodology to be used for producing and selling carbon credits. Straughan educated the Chamberlain project team to the arena of carbon trading and navigated the project through state/federal agencies as they reviewed and commented on the developing methodology.
We reviewed voluntary market-based carbon tools and strategically chose Verra and the Verified Carbon Standard for the methodology approval process. Straughan used guidance from such organizations as the International Standards Organization (ISO) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Straughan surveyed existing methodology governing bodies and identified the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) as the best fit given the breadth of their methodology inventory and their ability to work with the project team in the development of the methodology.
We convened a panel of subject matter experts to review and provide feedback on the methodology. Straughan negotiated and navigated the ever-developing guidance and requirements of VCS, working with them following the nascent performance benchmark approach. This is a groundbreaking project for our team and VCS as the first methodology for construction projects. The global methodology was approved by Verra on June 6, 2019. The team continues the effort to market the carbon credits.