Our Approach
MDTA, in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Cecil County, Maryland, planned a public meeting to update the public on its study of the roadway network in the vicinity of I-95 and Belvidere Road. MDTA proposed the construction of a new interchange on I-95 to accommodate future traffic capacity and safety needs due to current and planned development within the Principio Enterprise Zone in Cecil County. The proposed improvements are Cecil County’s top transportation and economic priority and would be completed as a Public Private Partnership (P3) between MDTA, Cecil County, and Stewart Properties. As a result of the restrictions from COVID-19, the public meeting needed to be restructured to a virtual format.
Straughan collaborated with MDTA regarding the meeting format change, meeting content, and agency requirements. Straughan contributed and reviewed presentation content and script, as well as produced the final video presentation. Straughan created and edited the video animation and voice over for the virtual presentation, which was presented on the MDTA project webpage as the virtual public meeting content. Additionally, Straughan promoted the virtual project update by producing ad copy to advertise the virtual public meeting; securing space in local newspapers and media outlet websites for the advertisement; developing a project postcard that was delivered to addresses in the project vicinity; provided recommendations on content and types of social media advertising; and preparing a letter specific to state and local elected officials to inform them of the virtual public meeting. Through this virtual project update, the public was given access to all information that would have been disseminated at the public meeting.