What is Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)?


By Diana Gutierrez, M.S. Civil Eng., LEED AP BD+C, Senior Sustainability Specialist

Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is a method to engage the project team from kickoff. Many types of projects including building projects, conventional planning, design, construction, and operations processes don’t always emphasis the importance of communication. This approach engages professionals from different disciplines or phases of the project early and often. Project teams often discover it to be time saving in the end when problems are addressed proactively rather than retroactively. Skills such as critical thinking and questioning, teamwork, and understanding of natural processes can support setting sustainability goals that are the underpinnings of a high performance building, essential in today’s market with a heavy focus on site, water, and energy efficiency. When goals are analyzed throughout the project, synergies can be maximized and teams can better meet the needs of clients, stakeholders, and the community, often at a lower cost when solutions are identified in early stages of a project.